Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love the Saltair - Home Salt Therapy

This is a testimonial that we just got it from one of our customers regarding home salt therapy. Thank you very much, Jean Rudko! We are very happy when our customers are happy and breathe better!


I've been using my Saltair machine for a little over a week and I can't say enough good things about it.   I've been telling all my friends about it.   Do you have an affiliate program?   Or do you need someone to sell your machines?   I am usually so sensitive to everything that every time I go on a supplement/herbal program I bring on a severe healing crisis.  I know the body needs to eliminate toxins but self inflicted bronchitis is not fun!  I have found since using the machine I do not experience the usual symptoms when taking my supplements.   I've only experienced a headache a couple of times.   I wake up feeling like I have lots of energy.  My dachshund used to have a stuffed up nose and her sinuses sound clearer too.

I have used many products over the years and this is definitely one of my favourites!!  One small issue though is the bright red light.  I solved that by having the front of the machine facing away from me and just turned that little plastic part on top the other way around.

I am so happy the machines are on sale again.  I am going to purchase one for my Mom for Christmas.   I wish I could win one because I'd like to get one for my daughter too.
Actually, I'd like to get one for lots of people that I know.

A very happy customer,
Jean Rudko
Lamont, Alberta"

Here is on our FB page - Aerosol Salt Therapy - Natural in Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergies, Snoring

1 comment:

Florence said...

I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!