Friday, January 25, 2013

Benefits of Ginger in Respiratory Immunity

Some ginger benefits for you!... You also can find ginger hard and soft candies in stores. I personally like them a lot and there is almost no day without one for me! Home Salt Therapy

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Clinical abstracts for using salt therapy in respiratory conditions and skin disorders

The XIVth INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF SPELEOTHERAPY 2012 - Clinical abstracts for using salt therapy in respiratory conditions and skin disorders

The XIVth International symposium of speleotherapy took place in Romania on October 4-6, 2012. The symposium was held under the aegis of The International Union of Speleology (UIS), The Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Committees of The Permanent Commission of Speleotherapy (PCS) - Department of Research.
Specialists from high academic institutions and organizations from Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and other countries participated for three days at The XIVth International Symposium of Speleotherapy. Doctors and physicians with  specialization in Pulmonology, Allergology, Dermatology, Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneotherapy, professors at medical academic institutions, clinical researchers and engineers, gathered together to share their experience and research studies about the effects of salt therapy in respiratory conditions and balneology using mineralized salty water. 

They presented speleotherapy in salt mines and caves, from history to our modern times approaches - such as halotherapy or salt therapy, the quality of therapeutic factors such as microclimate, physical, chemical, microbiological and current achieved results, for used in health and balneotherapy tourism. 

There were also presented the experimental results in laboratory on different pathologies and the clinical, biochemical, immunological and other effects on patients with various diseases. Indications and contraindications, together with different methods of salt therapy in prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with different pathologies were discussed.

The public gathered lots of information about the clinical and functional efficiency of speleotherapy and halotherapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma with different degrees of control, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and other allergic pathologies, pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases.

The influence of living near roadways and today's increased air pollution in respiratory diseases and the effects of removing these factors was another interesting study. "Traffic emission sources of organic chemicals represented by microparticles are associated with increased systemic inflammation.", the study says. Long time exposure to salt therapy helps to strengthen the respiratory mucosa towards allergens and maintains proper hygiene over the whole respiratory system. This can be easily achieved with home salt therapy devices, recommended in chronic respiratory conditions.

The anti inflammatory and healing effects of salt therapy - aerosol salt therapy and salty baths - on skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, chronic rashes, burns and wounds, was another interesting subject in the symposium.     

Bronchial obstruction is known as a frequent symptom of  gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and rock-salt aerosols is considered one of the most effective methods of treatment. The alkali properties of ionic salts also have positive effects on the irritated esophagus and gastric mucosa.     

This symposium underlined the many uses of salt therapy in respiratory conditions, skin disorders and in balneotherapy.

Livia Tiba
Ph: 1-519-641-7258

Bio: Educated and motivated person, having a multicultural background with extensive knowledge about European natural health products and practices. Classical homeopath using Hahnemann advanced methods of homeopathy.

NB: The author grants reprint permission to opt-in publications and websites so long as the copyright and by-line are included intact and the article is not used in spam.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Patrick Kirkham talking about home salt therapy, Jan 22 @ Farm & Home Center | 1323 Arcadia Road Lancaster. We invite you to attend!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Albert Einstein Quotes

Yes, that is right!...and we recirculate some salt as well, for the benefit of breathing and cleaning the air!... :) Read here about home salt therapy

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The benefits of bees propolis

Did you know…that bee propolis can boost your immune system, guard against bacterial infection, and destroy cancerous tumors? (It is never missing from my house!... also a very good wound healer)
Read more about other natural therapies on our FB page or about salt therapy

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love the Saltair - Home Salt Therapy

This is a testimonial that we just got it from one of our customers regarding home salt therapy. Thank you very much, Jean Rudko! We are very happy when our customers are happy and breathe better!


I've been using my Saltair machine for a little over a week and I can't say enough good things about it.   I've been telling all my friends about it.   Do you have an affiliate program?   Or do you need someone to sell your machines?   I am usually so sensitive to everything that every time I go on a supplement/herbal program I bring on a severe healing crisis.  I know the body needs to eliminate toxins but self inflicted bronchitis is not fun!  I have found since using the machine I do not experience the usual symptoms when taking my supplements.   I've only experienced a headache a couple of times.   I wake up feeling like I have lots of energy.  My dachshund used to have a stuffed up nose and her sinuses sound clearer too.

I have used many products over the years and this is definitely one of my favourites!!  One small issue though is the bright red light.  I solved that by having the front of the machine facing away from me and just turned that little plastic part on top the other way around.

I am so happy the machines are on sale again.  I am going to purchase one for my Mom for Christmas.   I wish I could win one because I'd like to get one for my daughter too.
Actually, I'd like to get one for lots of people that I know.

A very happy customer,
Jean Rudko
Lamont, Alberta"

Here is on our FB page - Aerosol Salt Therapy - Natural in Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergies, Snoring